Thursday, March 17, 2016

The Cat and the Rooster

Giday Gebrekidan 
In the fable “The Cat and the Rooster” the cat catches the rooster to devour it, the cat must have been planning and drooling for long before it got its hands on the rooster. Before devouring the rooster piece by piece the cat wants to do it in good conscience and looks for an excuse. Yes the cat did look for an excuse, it’s a fable.
The cat tells the rooster it has been a nuisance to men because it crowed at night and wouldn’t let them sleep and the cat is here to put an end to that. But the rooster had a good reply that made the excuse unacceptable. He is doing that only for the sake of men, to help them get up and do their daily business as usual. The cat was pissed off, it scowled and gave the rooster a stern look of surprise. There is another grievance the cat must address and accuses the rooster of a transgression against nature, by mating with its sisters and mother. The rooster replied it only does that to give men as much eggs as possible.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

True Religion: Freedom, Individuality, Existence

Giday Gebrekidan
A true religion must understand the human condition. It must understand and accept that man is free, it must admit the individuality of man and God, and it must show the existential dilemma of man. Why? Because these three points are true and logical and so if a religion claims to be divine wisdom then at least it must not miss these points.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Ethiopian Books: Pornographic, Patriotic, Religious

Giday Gebrekidan 
In Ethiopia if a book is to be a bestseller then it will have to be either pornographic or patriotic or religious. It doesn’t matter if it is fictional or non-fictional. Whatever form or style you chose to write with, whether you present your topics humorously, sordidly or gravely if the three ingredients (pornography, patriotism and religion) are not used as a hook then you will find no reader.
If you see most of the books that sell well their covers are nude women, Ethiopian map or Ethiopian historical figures or religious icons.  

Monday, March 14, 2016

The American Experiment: Failure and Dilemma

Giday Gebrekidan

This little essay is not written for the rank and file activist who is busy and happy in getting furious in the hustle and bustle of his activities. It is purely personal reflection on the ‘spirit of history’ or more probably on man’s effort to establish a tolerable order of things and make the world a fair place where all have equal chance of fulfilling their personal pursuits or nourishing their talents to their full potential. 
Does man make history or does the merciless march of history make man? For thousands of years starting from the Greek philosophers, thinkers have hypothesized to come up with a social system best suited for the respect of individual’s freedom and societal peace and justice. A republic was the dream. It has always failed due to its own success. As soon as a republic becomes prosperous and powerful the masses exhibit moral decay and the ruling elite that sprang conspires to gain political control. Republics have turned to empires and empires have crumbled. After centuries of learning and experience, it was given another chance in a newly discovered continent. America.   

Friday, March 11, 2016

Giday vs. the World: the Five Stages of Grief

Giday Gebrekidan
No need for any alarm I’m not in a bad place, but I have lost the world and I was grieving that. Now that the grief is over I can write about it. When I was grief stricken and passing through the different stages of grief it was all the more confounding because I lost the world to stupidity. Stupidity! This made acceptance of its loss even harder. 
My grief is not neatly arranged in all the five stages perfectly. Sometimes there were lapses, sometimes there was nothing, until the final acceptance. 
Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance, the five stages which I might call the five floating stages because they are confusingly on and off and don’t necessarily appear in linear stages.