Monday, March 14, 2016

The American Experiment: Failure and Dilemma

Giday Gebrekidan

This little essay is not written for the rank and file activist who is busy and happy in getting furious in the hustle and bustle of his activities. It is purely personal reflection on the ‘spirit of history’ or more probably on man’s effort to establish a tolerable order of things and make the world a fair place where all have equal chance of fulfilling their personal pursuits or nourishing their talents to their full potential. 
Does man make history or does the merciless march of history make man? For thousands of years starting from the Greek philosophers, thinkers have hypothesized to come up with a social system best suited for the respect of individual’s freedom and societal peace and justice. A republic was the dream. It has always failed due to its own success. As soon as a republic becomes prosperous and powerful the masses exhibit moral decay and the ruling elite that sprang conspires to gain political control. Republics have turned to empires and empires have crumbled. After centuries of learning and experience, it was given another chance in a newly discovered continent. America.   
America is a great example to study this issue. A country whose birth, rise, and the current absurd state of affairs are well recorded from the start to this point. At least for this kind of general observation. The United States of America is a land that gave its own birth by violently breaking from the yoke of colonization.  From the start the international order of things were stuck against it. Former colonizers were the least happy. For centuries the ruling elites of Europe, monarchies and their partners, or more appropriately their puppet masters, the international money powers have done their best to ruin that land. The American monetary and international policies were a great threat to the established orders of Europe, especially United Kingdom and her allies. In terms of money the Americans were free to use any European coins and print their own paper money. In terms of International policy, they have declared the Monroe Doctrine that prevented America from any entanglement in the affairs of the imperialist interests. This set the stage for a huge backfire from the imperialists and their puppet masters.    
The climax of this tension was reached when with the help of UK and France the southern confederate states decided to declare their cessation and go to war with the federal government. After the start of this crisis it was Abraham Lincoln who won the office of presidency and had to put an end to it. No need to go in to the details here. The central issue of the civil war wasn’t slavery as is generally assumed. Lincoln has admitted in his letter to Horace Greeley that saving or destroying slavery wasn’t his priority, his main goal was saving the Union. This is not to say Lincoln did not want or did not believe all men should be free, he did confirm his believe in the same letter but in his official position his main cause was saving the Union first. He did this first by getting the Russian emperor’s guarantee that moved his war ship to America by telling UK and France he will declare war if they intervene directly. Second Lincoln printed his own bond to finance the war.  
By saving the Union Abraham Lincoln made sure the continuation of independence and prosperity of America to the great annoyance of the imperialists. Lincoln did pay his life for saving the life of a nation.
At the turn of twentieth century the money power became successful in controlling American monetary and international policy.  America was a great hope for humanity; a land of freedom and equal opportunity; a land far away from the monarchies and their bankers.  
The founding fathers of America wrote a constitution that limited the power of the central government. It worked for a time in spite of the interventions. Today American politics and economy is controlled by those same European banking houses and their partners that sprang up in America itself. American money is printed by a private central bank named Federal Reserve to confuse the public; it’s neither federal nor does it have any reserve. Private individuals create the national currency out of thin air. In terms of international relations, American military is a strong arm of imperialism. Their secret services overthrow governments or assassinate individuals anywhere that are not to the liking of the few that control America. False flag terrorist attacks, creating them and working with terrorists hand and glove is the order of the day.
In terms of economy there is anarchy of cartels. The bankers literally have the life of the country in their hands and they have done a good job of chocking the middle class to death and sowing moral discord. People’s representatives are bought with money printed out of thin air by bankers. Nothing is working. 
America was the best chance the masses had at a republic for all. The failure of the American experiment begs the reconsideration of man’s endeavor to create a reasonable place where lawlessness is no more.
This is not an issue of ‘evil capitalism.’ It’s an issue of the hijacking of capitalism by cartels of well-established, inter-married families that go back centuries. Capitalism and limited government is the best system man can come up with; its failure is a disaster. It’s opposite, socialism and big government crumbled by itself, so it’s not a system worth discussing. The same cartel that hijacked capitalism funds socialist radicals.
The problem is with the evil forces successfully controlling the wheels of history. Why has a good system failed to keep them at bay? What is the individual good man to do at this point in history?  
March 14, 2016.

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